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Portugiesische Sprache

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Subject, Author, Title, Bibliography
Import\33685BB.jpg Angola. – Distribuicao Etnica de Angola. 9th edition. Angola: Fundo de Turismo e Publicidade. 1975. 21,5 x 17,5 cm. 35 p. (Portuguese language). Boards (softcover) with title to illustrated front cover. Boards with darkened spine and front cover. Perforated with 2 holes, except map and back cover.

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13,--  Order
Import\33684BB.jpg Angola. – Distribuicao Etnica de Angola. 9th edition. Angola: Fundo de Turismo e Publicidade. 1975. 21,5 x 17,5 cm. 35 p., folded map. (Portuguese language). Boards (softcover) with title to illustrated front cover. Boards with darkened spine, with kinked edges and dog-eared inside.

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18,--  Order
  CAVALEIRO DE OLIVEIRA [Francisco Xavier de Oliveira]: Cartas Inéditas (1739-1741). Publicadas por A. Gonçalves Rodrigues. (Cartas Familiares Historicas Politicas e Criticas. Discursos Serios e Jocosos… Tomo IV. Londres 1745). Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra. 1942. 326 S., few plates. Original wrappers, uncut. Covers rubbed and worn. Inside light browning, almost good condition.

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  CUNHA, Celso / Luís F. Lindley CINTRA: Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo. Lisboa: Edicoes Joao Sá da Costa.l (1992). 24cm x 16,5cm. 734, (1) p. Original boards (softcover) with title to spine and to cover. Boards slightly worn with some rubbing and some staining, name to half-title, inside in very good condition.

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Import\33538BB.jpg DIOP, Birago: Os Contos de Amadou Koumba. Luanda: INALD. (1979). 21,5 x 13,5 cm. 142 p. (Portuguese language). Original boards (softcover) with title to spine and title to illustrated front cover. Boards with slight signs of wear. Very good condition. (= Vozes de Africa).

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Import\33537BB.jpg DURAN CLEMENTE, Manuel: Elementos Para a Compreensao do 25 de Novembro. Edicoes Sociais. (1976). 18 x 11,5 cm. 125 p. (Portuguese language). Original boards (softcover) with title to spine and title to illustrated front cover. Boards with scraped spine, signs of wear. Overall good condition.

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18,--  Order
Import\33686BB.jpg Lavra & oficina. Caderno especial dedicado à literatura Angolana em saudacao à VI conferencia des escritores afro-asiaticos. Luanda, 26 de Junho à 3 de Julho 1979. Luanda: Uniao des Escritores Angolanos. 1979. 22,5 x 16 cm. 135 p. (Portuguese language). Original boards (softcover) with title to spine and to illustrated front cover. Boards with light-stained front cover. Edges, corners and cover with light scrapings. Otherwise in good condition.

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15,--  Order
  LEMOS, Sérgio (illustrations) / Jomard Muniz de Britto (text/lyrics): inventário de um feudalismo cultural. (Jaboatao, PE. / Brasil Nordeste Grafica Industrial e Editora. 1979). 29,8 x 22 cm. 58 p. Original boards with illustrated front cover. Good condition.

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17,--  Order
Import\33536BB.jpg MPLA / Centro de Estudos Angolanos: Historia de Angola. Porto: afrontamento. (1965). 23,5 x 16 cm. 179 p. (Portuguese language). Original boards (softcover) with title to spine and title to illustrated front cover. Boards with scrapings, slightly scraped edges, dust spots. Upper corner continuously slightly kinked/bumped. Overall decent condition. (= Libertacao dos povdos das colonias, 8)

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17,--  Order
  PINTO, Agostinho Albana da Silveira: Codigo Pharmaceutico Lusitano. Edicao posthuma, feita e corrigida sobre apontamentos do Author; revistos e coordenados por Jose Pereira Reis. Porto: Na typographia da revista. 1858. VIII,400 S. Halbleinwand der Zeit mit goldgeprägtem Rückenschildchen, Einband stärker berieben, Gebrauchsspuren, wenig stockfleckig, Eigentumsvermerk von alter Hand auf dem Titelblatt und Titel verso, im Text einige Anmerkungen, sonst noch gut erhalten.

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103,--  Order
  PORTUGAL. – FLASCHE, Hans (Hrsg.): Aufsätze zur Portugiesischen Kulturgeschichte. 3. Band. Band 3 (von 10 Bänden). Münster: Aschendorff. 1963. Gr.8°. 262 S. Original Leinwand mit Rücken- und Deckeltitel. Einband leicht berieben, sonst kaum Gebrauchsspuren. (=Portugiesische Forschungen der Görresgesellschaft. Erste Reihe: Aufsätze. Band 3.)

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