NU, (Two Speeches): An Asien Speaks. A collection of speeches made by U Nu, Prim…

NU, (Two Speeches): An Asien Speaks. A collection of speeches made by U Nu, Prim

Burma. U Nu: An Asien Speaks. A collection of speeches made by U Nu, Prime Minister of Burma, during a visit to the United States of America 1955 / Towards a socialist state. Translation of speech…at the Third All-Burma Congress of the AFPFL. 1955 / 1958. 52 / 68 S. Original Broschur. Gebrauchsspuren, akzeptabler Zustand. / Original softcover. Some worn.

Two Speeches. “U Nu (birmanisch ??? ??, früher Thakin Nu, * 25. Mai 1907 in Wakema, Irawadi-Division, Britisch-Indien; † 14. Februar 1995 in Rangun) war ein myanmarischer Politiker.” (wikipedia)

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