Die Liste enthält 186 Einträge. Suchergebnisse löschen und Gesamtbestand anzeigen.

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Stichwort, Autor, Titel, Buchbeschreibung
Pan Am (Airways). – Pan American World Airways, Public Relations Division (Editor): Credit Pan American World Airways / Pioneer Arrival: The first passengers to cross the Atlantic … (Original photograph on the history of Pan Am Airways). New York: Pan American World Airways. [ca. 1970-1975]. (ca. 24,2 x 30,4 cm). 1 photograph (back side: English Language). Original photograph with white edge and a short text mounted at the back side. Photograph with minimal signs of use, very well preserved. Generally in good to very good condition.

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66,50 Bestellen
Pan Am (Airways). – Pan American World Airways, Public Relations Division (Editor): History in the Making / Thousands of invited guests gathered at Washington’s National Airport … (Original photograph and one text on the history of Pan Am). New York: Pan American World Airways. [ca. 1970-1975]. (ca. 24,2 x 30,4 cm). 1 photograph / 1 text (3 p. / English Language). Original photograph with white edge and a longer title mounted at the back side. Photograph with minimal signs of use, very well preserved. Generally in good to very good condition.

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87,50 Bestellen
Pan Am (Airways). – Pan American World Airways, Public Relations Division (Editor): Mrs. Richard M. Nixon, christianing the first commercial 747 on January 15, 1970. (Original photograph on the history of Pan Am Airways). New York: Pan American World Airways. [ca. 1970-1975]. (ca. 24,2 x 30,4 cm). 1 photograph (back side: English Language). Original photograph with white edge and a title mounted at the back side. Photograph with minimal signs of use, very well preserved. Generally in good to very good condition.

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66,50 Bestellen
Pan Am (Airways). – Pan American World Airways, Public Relations Division (Editor): Original photograph and three texts on the history of Pan Am. New York: Pan American World Airways. [ca. 1970-1975]. (ca. 24,2 x 30,4 cm). 1 photograph / 3 texts (29 p. / English Language). Original photograph with white edge and a longer title mounted at the back side. Paper of the three texts partly with some notes inside. Photograph with minimal signs of use, very well preserved. Generally in good to very good condition.

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128,10 Bestellen
Import\8719CB.jpg Pan Am (Airways). – Pan American World Airways, Public Relations Division (Editor): Pan Am jet freighter loading at San Francisco International Airport. (Original photograph on the history of Pan Am Airways). New York: Pan American World Airways. [ca. 1970-1975]. (ca. 24,2 x 30,4 cm). 1 photograph (back side: English Language). Original photograph with white edge and a title mounted at the back side. Photograph with minimal signs of use, very well preserved. Generally in good to very good condition.

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66,50 Bestellen
PANAMAC (Pan Am Airways). – Pan American World Airways, Public Relations Division (Editor): Panamac shrinks distance between reservation personnel and computers. (Original photograph on the history of Pan Am Airways). New York: Pan American World Airways. [ca. 1970-1975]. (ca. 24,2 x 30,4 cm). 1 photograph (back side: English Language). Original photograph with white edge and a longer text mounted at the back side. Photograph with minimal signs of use, very well preserved. Generally in good to very good condition.

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87,50 Bestellen
PARSONS, C. E. (ed.): Handbook. Dartmouth College. [Hanover]: Dartmouth Christian Association. 1910-1911. ca. 12,5cm x 6,5cm. 90 p. Original leather (buckskin) with gilt stamped title to cover and green edges. Slightly worn, good condition.

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21,--  Bestellen
PATERA, Herbert: Für die schöne blaue Flagge! (Amerika in Flammen). Ein Roman aus dem Sezessionskrieg von 1861-1865. Suhl: Strom. 1939. ca. 20 x 14 cm. 396 S. Original-Halbleinwandeinband mit Rücken- und Deckeltitel. Mit Original-Schutzumschlag. Schutzumschlag etwas stockfleckig und berieben. Sonst guter Zustand.

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17,50 Bestellen
Import\27486BB.jpg PENTECOST, Hugh: Mit Blut gestempelt. Kriminalroman. Zürich: Müller. (1940). 228 S. Original Leinwand mit goldgeprägtem Rücken- und Deckeltitel. Einband mit Gebrauchsspuren, Buchblock leseschief, papierbedingt gegilbt, teils etwas fleckig, sonst in Ordnung.

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17,50 Bestellen
PERLO, Victor: Militarism and Industry. Arms Profiteering in the Missile Age. London: Lawrence and Wishart. (1963). (21 x 14,9 cm). 208 p. (English Language). Original boards (hardcover) with gilt stamped title to spine. Original dust jacket with title to spine and illustrated title to front cover. Jacket a bit margined and stained, otherwise well preserved. Generally in good condition.

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17,50 Bestellen
Proceedings of the World’s Dairy Congress. Washington, D. C., October 2,3; Philadelphia, Pa., October 4; Syracuse, N. Y., October 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 1923. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office. 1924. Gr.8° (ca. 23,5 x 16 cm). X, 743 Seiten. Original Ganzleinen mit Rückenbeschriftung. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren und Randläsuren, Papier lichtrandig. Besitzer-Stempel auf Vorsatz und Titelblatt. Insgesamt guter Zustand. – Original cloth with spine inscription. Corner slightly bumped, light wear at spine ends. Owner’s stamp on book end paper and title page.

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59,50 Bestellen
Import\33032BB.jpg Procter & Gamble (US). – LIEF, Alfred: The Moon and Stars, the story of Procter & Gamble and its people. Cincinnati: Procter & Gamble. [1958]. 4°. (27 x 19,7 cm). around 50 p. (English Language). Original boards (softcover) with illustrated title to front cover. Boards with low signs of use. Inside with a private name entry at the title leaf, otherwise well preserved. Appropriate to its age in good condition.

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37,10 Bestellen
Import\29410BB.jpg PROVENZANO, Jim: Pins. A Novel. Autographed Copy. Second printing. San Francisco: Myrmidude Press. (2000). 281 p. Original bords (softcover) with title to spine and to illustrated front cover. Good condition.

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21,--  Bestellen
PROVENZANO, Jim: Pins. A Novel. (Signed!). San Francisco: Myrmidude Press. (1999). 281 p. Original bords (softcover) with title to spine and to illustrated front cover. Good condition.

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24,50 Bestellen
Import\8253CB.jpg Reed, Lou (Contributor). – RAY, Michael (Editor): Zoetrope: All-Story. Winter 08/09, Volume 12, Number 4. San Francisco: Francis Ford Coppola. (2009). Oblong format. (ca. 21,5 x 13,6 cm). 95 p. (English Language). Original boards (softcover) with illustrated title to front cover. Boards with low signs of use, paper inside minimal browning at the edges, otherwise well preserved. Generally in good condition. (= Zoetrope: All-Story. Volume 12, Number 4).

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21,--  Bestellen
34008B.jpg ROTH, Philip: Goodbye, Columbus! Ein Kurzroman und fünf Stories. Deutsche Erstausgabe. Reinbek: Rowohlt. (1962). 20,5 x 12,5 cm. 221 S. Original-Karton mit Rücken- und Deckeltitel. Einband mit Einriss am Kapital oben und unten (je ~4 cm), Knickspuren am Rücken, leicht bestoßenen Ecken und Rändern, etwas abgegriffen. Eigentumsvermerk auf fliegendem Blatt. Innen Papier leicht gegilbt, sonst guter Zustand. Insgesamt akzeptabler Zustand.

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27,30 Bestellen
RUSSELL, John H.: The Free Negro in Virginia. 1619-1865. New York: Dover Publications. [1969]. 194,(15) p. Original paperback. Good condition.

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17,50 Bestellen
Russell. Bronzes. From the C. S. McNair Collection. New York: Kennedy Galleries, Edward Eberstadt & Sons. 1962. ca. 23cm x 15,5cm. 227 p. Original wrappers with illustrated title to cover. Cover-page dusted and creased. Inside still in good condition.

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17,50 Bestellen
SEALE, John.– Tonbandskript eines Gesprächs mit John Seale. (Typoskript ohne weitere Angaben). (ca.1969). 4 teils doppelseitig bedruckte Blatt mit Klammerheftung und Lochung, papierbedingt gegilbt, leicht geknittert, guter Zustand.

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17,50 Bestellen
Import\15775BB.jpg [SELFRIDGE, Thomas Oliver]: The Tulip or Selina’s Favourite. Revised by the Committee of Publication. Philadelphia: American Sunday School Union. [1827]? 12°. 32 p. Half calf. Scuffed and scratched. Inner book waterstained and browned.

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56,--  Bestellen
Import\32690BB.jpg SILBERMANN, Peter Adalbert: Aus New Yorks höheren Schulen. Berlin: Hans Markert. 1927. 23,5 x 15,5 cm. 22 S. Original-Karton mit Deckeltitel. Einband staubfleckig, gerändert, Einband und Titel an oberer Ecke stockfleckig, an unterer Ecke durchgängig ein Wasserfleck (4 x 3 cm). Akzeptabler Zustand.

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23,10 Bestellen
Import\31862AB.jpg SPENCER, J. A.: Historia de los Estados-Unidos desde su primer periodo hasta la Administracion de Jacobo Buchanan, por J.A. Spencer, continuada hasta nuestros días por Horacio Greeley. Traducción directa del inglés por D. Enrique Leopoldo de Verneuill. Tomo I, II, III. – (Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten in 3 Bänden). Barcelona: Montaner y Simon. 1870. 4° (ca. 30,5 x 23,5 cm). 516; 644; 788 S. Halbleder der Zeit mit goldgeprägtem Rückentitel. Leicht berieben, Ecken, bzw. Ränder etwas bestoßen, Band 1 eine Tafel (ausfaltbar) etwas eingerissen, Bd. 2 mit einer zusätzlichen, nicht im Tafel-Verzeichnis aufgeführten Tafel S. 476 (″Muerte de Lord Chatham“), im Band 3 ist die Tafel S. 771 nicht miteingebunden (″W.H. Seward“), stellenweise etwas stockfleckig, sonst innen in sauberem, gutem Zustand / bien conservada.

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171,50 Bestellen
Import\33475BB.jpg SRETKOV, Borislav: The Clash. China – USA, 2018 – 2019. Translated from Bulgarian by Anna Bikova. Sofia: Dedrax. (2021). (21 x 14,8 cm). 293 p. (English Language). Original boards (softcover) with title to spine and illustrated title to front cover. Minimal signs of use, very good condition.

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24,50 Bestellen
Students’ Hand Book. University of Washington. [Seattle]: Christian Association of the University of Washington. 1910-1911. ca. 13cm x 7,5cm. 112 p. Original cloth with title to cover (″W“). Slightly worn, with minimal yellowing. Good condition.

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28,--  Bestellen
STUTZ, Ernst-Hans (Hg./ Originalbild): Rauchzeichen. Die Rede des Häuptlings Seattle an den Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika im Jahre 1855. (o.O.): Eigenverlag. (o.J.) 29 S. Originalbroschur mit Deckeltitel. Einband mit Gebrauchsspuren, sonst sehr guter Zustand.

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17,50 Bestellen
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