
The catalog contains 10 items. Drop search results and show the complete catalog.

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Subject, Author, Title, Bibliography
Import\33684BB.jpg Angola. – Distribuicao Etnica de Angola. 9th edition. Angola: Fundo de Turismo e Publicidade. 1975. 21,5 x 17,5 cm. 35 p., folded map. (Portuguese language). Boards (softcover) with title to illustrated front cover. Boards with darkened spine, with kinked edges and dog-eared inside.

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15,75 Order
Import\33407BB.jpg Angola. – Documentos Proclamacao da Independencia da Republica Popular de Angola. (Portuguese / French / English). Angola 11 de Novembro de 1975. Luanda: Edicao do Ministerio da Informacao. (1976). 21 x 15 cm. 166 p. (In Portuguese, French and English). Original boards (softcover) with title to spine and title to illustrated front cover. Slight signs of wear, small note to front cover. Otherwise very good condition.

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15,75 Order
Import\33425BB.jpg COSTA, Justo da: Diamentes de Angola. Nova Historia de David e Golias. Lisboa: Edicao do Autor. 1973. 22 x 16,5 cm. 180 p. (Portuguese language). Original boards (softcover) with title to spine and front cover. Boards with bumped egdes, dust spots. Overall good condition.

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19,35 Order
HAMILTON, Russel G.: Literatura Africana, Literatura Necessaria. Ii-Angola. Lisboa: INALD. (1975), 21,5 x 13,5 cm. 247 p. (Portuguese language). Original boards (softcover) with title to spine and title to illustrated front cover. Boards with moderate signs of wear. Overall very good condition. (= Biblioteca de estudos Africanos).

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15,75 Order
Import\33686BB.jpg Lavra & oficina. Caderno especial dedicado à literatura Angolana em saudacao à VI conferencia des escritores afro-asiaticos. Luanda, 26 de Junho à 3 de Julho 1979. Luanda: Uniao des Escritores Angolanos. 1979. 22,5 x 16 cm. 135 p. (Portuguese language). Original boards (softcover) with title to spine and to illustrated front cover. Boards with light-stained front cover. Edges, corners and cover with light scrapings. Otherwise in good condition.

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13,50 Order
Import\33431BB.jpg LIMA, Mesquitela: Fonctions Sociologiques des Figurines de Culte HAMBA dans la Société et dans la Culture Tshokwe (Angola). Luanda: Insituto de Investigacao Cientifica de Angola. 1971. 24,5 x 17 cm. 427 p. (French language). Original boards (softcover) with title to spine and title to illustrated front cover. Boards with bumped edges and corners, dust spots. Overall good condition.

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69,75 Order
33536B_1.jpg MPLA / Centro de Estudos Angolanos: Historia de Angola. Porto: afrontamento. (1965). 23,5 x 16 cm. 179 p. (Portuguese language). Original boards (softcover) with title to spine and title to illustrated front cover. Boards with scrapings, slightly scraped edges, dust spots. Upper corner continuously slightly kinked/bumped. Overall decent condition. (= Libertacao dos povdos das colonias, 8)

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14,85 Order
Import\33435BB.jpg REDINHA, Jose: A Caca, seus Processos e Mitos Entre os Povos Angolanos. Notas Descritivas e Esboco de Sistematizacao. Second edition. Edicao do Cita. 1973. 24 x 16,5 cm. 26 p. (Portuguese language). Original boards (softcover) with title to illustrated front cover. Boards with slight signs of wear. Good condition.

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15,75 Order
Import\33226BB.jpg SANTOS, Arnoldo: Prosas. Lisboa: Edicoes 70 – Uniao dos Escritores Angolanos. (1977). 20 x 14 cm. 189 p. Original boards (softcover) with title to spine and to illustrated front cover. Slight signs of use, good condition.

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13,50 Order
Import\33404BB.jpg XITU, Uanhenga: OsSsobreviventes da Máquina colonial depoem… (Dedication!). Lisboa: Uniao dos Escritores Angolanos. (1980). 20 x 14 cm. 161 p. (Portuguese language). Original boards (softcover) with title to spine and title to illustrated front cover. Boards with light scratch marks, crease mark next to spine. Edges slightly scraped. Overall good condition.

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15,75 Order
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